Medical Power of Attorney in Wisconsin

Medical Power of Attorney in Wisconsin - Carlos Gamino

By Carlos Gamino

A medical or health care power of attorney names a person you trust to act as your agent if you can’t speak for yourself – and for most people, it’s a good idea to have one in place. But what kinds of authority does a person with a health care power of attorney have in Wisconsin? Here’s what you need to know.

Medical Power of Attorney in Wisconsin

A medical power of attorney allows you to name someone you trust to be responsible for your medical decisions if you can’t make them yourself. That person can speak for you on healthcare matters, such as whether you want to be kept on life support or you’d prefer some life-sustaining options to stay off the table.

What to Think About if You’re Considering Health Care Power of Attorney

First things first: Many people choose to have a family law attorney draft a medical power of attorney and health care advance directive for them. Because this type of power of attorney or advance directive must meet certain criteria, it’s typically easier to tell an attorney what you want included and let him or her handle the rest.

Some things you may want to consider include:

  • What life-sustaining options you want used if they become necessary, such as mechanical ventilation and CPR
  • What types of pain relief options you want if you’re nearing the end of your life
  • When you would prefer artificial life support to be removed, such as in the event of brain death
  • Whether you want to donate your organs
  • How you want your remains handled in the event of your death

Can a Lawyer Draft a Medical Power of Attorney or Advance Directives?

A lawyer can help you draft a medical heath care power of attorney and advance directives. He or she will ask you all the important questions and answer your questions, as well. That way, you can be confident that you’re being clear about your wishes – and you’re taking legal steps to ensure they’re followed.

If you need help with a medical power of attorney in Wisconsin, call our office at 414-383-6700 or contact us onine. We’ll schedule a time to meet so you can prepare yourself – and your loved ones.

Carlos Gamino