What’s the Best Placement Schedule for Your Family?

By Carlos Gamino

Physical placement refers to how much time your kids spend with you and your ex. When your children are with you, you have the right to make routine decisions about their daily care; likewise, when they’re with your ex, your ex has that right. But how do you make a physical placement plan that works for your whole family – and what’s the best physical placement schedule? This guide explains.

Related: Child custody FAQ

What’s the Best Placement Schedule for Your Family?

The best placement schedule for your family is one that:

  • Meets your children’s best interests
  • Minimizes disruption to all of your lives
  • Is convenient and flexible

With that said, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for every family. Families with younger kids may have completely different needs from families that have teenagers, for example. However, the most common physical placement arrangements include:

  • Wednesdays and every other weekend. In this type of plan, kids spend most days with Parent A, except for Wednesday evenings and every other weekend (Friday night through Sunday night). They spend those days with Parent B.
  • 2-2-3 plans. In a 2-2-3 plan, kids spend two days with Parent A, two days with Parent B, and three days with Parent A before the schedule starts over with Parent B. This ensures that the children have alternating three-day periods with each parent and guarantees both parents get some weekend time.
  • Alternating week plans. In alternating week plans, children spend one week with Parent A, then one week with Parent B. The parents switch each week, making adjustments for holidays and special occasions.

Every family’s needs are different, though, and your child custody attorney can help you develop a plan that will work for your family.

Related: Custody versus physical placement

Working With Your Spouse on the Best Placement Plan

You and your spouse should negotiate to reach an agreement that meets your kids’ best interests (rather than yours), and if you’re having a hard time finding common ground, you may wish to work with a mediator who can help.

Do You Need to Talk to an Attorney About a Child Placement Plan?

If you’re divorcing or splitting up from your partner and need to speak with an attorney about creating a child placement plan, we may be able to help you. Call our office at 414-383-6700 to schedule your free consultation now.

Carlos Gamino