By Carlos Gamino

Getting a restraining order may seem like a drastic step – but in many cases, it’s absolutely necessary. A restraining order can make the person who harmed or threaten you stop their dangerous behavior; it can require that person to stay away from you and to refrain from contacting you so that you don’t have to live in fear. But how do you get a restraining order in Wisconsin? This guide explains.

How to Get a Restraining Order in Wisconsin

Some people choose to work with an attorney to get a restraining order in Wisconsin. That way, the attorney handles all the legal paperwork associated with the process – and it’s one fewer thing to worry about if you’re already carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.

Related: What if you violate a restraining order in Wisconsin?

You must qualify for a restraining order if an adult has intentionally caused you physical pain, injury or illness; impaired your physical condition; sexually abused you; threatened to physically or sexually harm you; or harassed you. You may also file for a restraining order on behalf of an individual at risk (an adult with a condition that impairs their ability to care for themselves or a person 60 or over who is being abused or neglected), as well as on behalf of a child in some cases (to protect the child from physical, mental or sexual abuse).

Related: Women accused of domestic violence

Kinds of Wisconsin Restraining Orders

There are four main types of restraining orders in Wisconsin:

  1. Domestic abuse restraining orders
  2. Harassment restraining orders
  3. Restraining orders on behalf of individuals at risk
  4. Restraining orders on behalf of abused children

If you’re not sure which type applies to your situation, you should speak to an attorney about your case. Your lawyer can give you the advice and guidance you need.

Do You Need to Talk to a Lawyer About How to Get a Restraining Order in Wisconsin?

We may be able to help you protect yourself or someone else through a restraining order. Call our office now at 414-383-6700 for a free consultation; we’ll answer your questions and advise you.

Attorney Carlos Gamino